To purchase your York Card please complete the form below.
If you are ordering York Cards for you and other Adult Members of your household, add them as additional card holders, under the Adult Card section.
If you are ordering additional Child members, click the Add Child Card button and follow the same steps.
Children under 18 can order their own York Card, without having to be associated with an Adult Member.
Click Here to go straight to the Child Card section.
When you have entered the details for all the cards you require, click on the Buy Now button at the bottom of the page to continue with your order.
Please enter your name as the Card Holder Name for the type of York Card you require. If you are registering for a Concessionary Card you will also need to fill in your National Insurance Number.
To add additional card holders, simply click on the ‘Add another card holder‘ button for the type of card you require. To add child card holders please fill in the Child Card section below.
When you have entered the details for all the cards you require, click on the ‘Add Card(s) to Basket‘ button to continue with your order.
Add additional card holders by first selecting the number of cards you require and then inputting each card holder’s name.
Add additional card holders by first selecting the number of cards you require and then inputting each card holder’s name.
Explore York Libraries & Archives
Library Square
Museum Street
York YO1 7DS
01904 552 828
[email protected]
Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual Limited registered in England and Wales under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registered no IP032357. Explore is a not-for-profit organisation recognised as charitable by HMRC for tax purposes.
Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual Limited registered in England and Wales under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registered no IP032357. Explore is a not-for-profit organisation recognised as charitable by HMRC for tax purposes.